How is the gastroscopy performed?
The procedure is done as a day procedure usually under a sedation administered by the anaesthetist, where you will not be awake or aware of any of the procedure. In some situations when doing more complicated interventional procedures, a full general anaesthetic may be used to protect your airway from aspiration.
Sometimes a numbing agent is sprayed in your throat also.
The procedure will usuall take a few minutes to half an hour or longer, depending on the complexity of the intervention. You will be asked to lay on your side and a bite-block placed between your teeth to stop you from biting on the gastroscopy.
The gastroscope is a flexible tube about as wide as your little finger, that is passed down your throat through your mouth, to inspect the food pipe (your oesophagus), the stomach and first part of the small intestine. Some biopsies may be taken.